What might your heart want you to notice?

What might your heart want you to notice?

My heart has led me to understand that my writing is my lifeblood. It’s energises and fuels me, so I need to give it the attention and nurture it deserves. As heart-led entrepreneurs, we need to know what our lifeblood is so we can give it the attention and nurture it needs. So, what’s yours?

Why courage is vital for business storytelling

Why courage is vital for business storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool for your business, leading to deeper connections with your audience with your content so you can foster trust and add value. The trouble is, often fear stops us from doing it. This is why courage is so vital! And the good news is, I believe we can nurture and create more of it. Are you ready to become a courageous storyteller so you can grow your business?